Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why Blogging?

So why blog? I think that is a very good question. Am I blogging because I have a political agenda that I am trying to convince the world to accept? Am I blogging because I'm an egomaniac that wants everyone to know my name? Am I blogging because I'm really messed up and need an online diary so that everyone can know how messed up I am? Am I blogging so that I can join the theological fracas that takes place in the blogoshere on a daily basis? The answer to all of these questions is no.

However, please understand. I have a political view. I am prideful. You probably will hear about how messed up I am. And I'm sure there will definitely be some theological debate generated by my posts. But those things are not what motivate me to start a blog. I am motivated to start this blog in order to have an online location where I can teach Scripture and Scriptural theology. I want this to be a blog where we can discuss, debate, and even argue over truth. Because truth is important, and because two opposite ideas cannot both be true. I want to use this blog to give you an opportunity to ask me about the Bible, theology, philosophy, and life. I plan to post often on these topics.

My basic plans for this blog are to post the main idea from my sermon every week. I want you to discuss it with me. I want you to question me about it and let me know what you think about it. I want you to hold me accountable to Scripture. I also plan to post occasional articles on politics, ethics, philosophy, family, life, missions and meaning. When I do, feel free to jump in and let me know what you think.

This blog is for you. It is an opportunity for us to dialogue and reason together over what is right and what is true. I look forward to learning with you and from you on this journey.


  1. Thank you for your sermon today. It really made me think about the years I wasted as a "baby" in my Christianity.....not meaning that I have "grown up" yet, but that I am "growing" because of the way you bring scripture to life. I am learning about who God is, and who I am as far as the sin in my life.
    Your sermon also showed me that since my remaining years are diminishing each day, (and gong really fast), I need to devote myself and my remaing life more to Him.

  2. Hey Jeff ... I hope you're well. I'm excited for you and your new blog. I look forward to reading your posts and even though I don't attend New Faith (er, Cornerstone) anymore, I hope to be able to join the discussion.

    I can tell by Elaine's comment that your sermon was on growing in Christ. At our rehearsal and Bible study last night, we had a similar discussion about how we should never feel as though we've "graduated" but that we're continuing to grow up in God's word.

    Please tell folks I said hello and know that I'm in prayer for the ministry that Cornerstone has.

  3. Excellent sermon yesterday, Jeff. I've really enjoyed all the sermons and discussion on Ecclesiastes these past few months. It seems very appropriate for whats going on in my life right now. I'm having a hard time deciding if my priorities are ok or all screwed up. Sometimes some of the things I want to happen in my life seem so wrong and other times, know how things are going. I want you to know how much we love and appreciate you and your family. You're always there for us and that means an awful lot.
