Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? What a question! A question that if asked to 100 different people would probably elicit 100 different responses. So how do we answer a question that has so many varied responses. Well...that's easy. We let Scripture answer it for us. In fact, Scripture has an entire book that has this topic as its main theme. The little book of Ecclesiastes written by Solomon gives a plain answer to the meaning of life. Solomon writes, "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13)." The meaning of life is a reverence for God (fear God) and love for God & man (keeping the commandments).

To understand this, we need to make sure that we understand what we mean by "the meaning of life." "The meaning of life" refers to that one life defining principle and purpose which influences how we view reality, ethics, truth claims, and death. "The meaning of life" is the basic presupposition upon which we base the "living" of our lives. All men have a belief about "the meaning of life," because all men are actively "living" their lives. If man did not have some sort of meaning, he would put an end to the "living" of his life. Philosophers call this nihilism, and history has proven that men will not live long as nihilists. Insanity or suicide soon prevails.

Now that I have defined what I mean by "the meaning of life," I will continue to explain Solomon's declaration that the meaning of life is wrapped up entirely in God. Solomon, at the end of a long and full life, is telling us that we should base our views of reality, ethics, truth claims, and death on what we believe about the God of the Bible. If the God of the Bible is there, and if He is the creator and sustainer of the universe, and if He created man in His image, and if He spoke through His prophets so that we could know Him and His commandments, then that should affect our lives in almost inexpressible ways. Solomon is declaring that if God is there, then a life lived as if He isn't is a life of foolishness. He proclaims that a life that acknowledges and reverences the Sovereign of the universe is a life that truly has meaning. The preceding twelve chapters of Ecclesiastes explores that a life lived with any other basic premise is a life that is meaningless and vain.

So what is the meaning of life? It's simple really. The answer...God. God is the meaning of life. Base your life on Him, and you will find true and real meaning.

1 comment:

  1. Everything would be so much easier if we were all brought up being taught that God was the meaning of life. We're always hearing different (and oftentimes senseless) answers to the question, what is the meaning of life? Kind of like, which came first, the chicken or the egg? When you know God, there is only one answer. I have so much more peace, knowing that God is in control no matter what happens. I know people whose lives are in turmoil because they don't think their life has a purpose and they go from one day to the next, going to work, slaving all day, and going home to bed to repeat it again the next day. Over and over. Life can be so meaningless that way.
